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]]>You can expect to improve the environment by providing filtered water. It protects household appliances, extends their useful life, thereby eliminating the need for early disposal, production of new ones.
Filtered water prevents the penetration of toxic impurities into the human body, causing various diseases up to cancer. Some varieties of filters are able to save from contamination by bacteria and viruses. The water at the output is tasty, without extraneous inclusions, specific smell. Manufacturers offer different types of purifiers from jugs to faucet nozzles.
Making environmental problems less acute can help sort waste. This is an effective way to reduce the amount of trash that gets buried in landfills due to the fact that it is not recyclable and reusable. This approach helps reduce the cost of waste removal. Trash sorting is needed to send old items for recycling, the more there are, the better for the planet. By doing this, it is realistic to save energy and natural resources. Weight garbage is commonly classified into safe and hazardous. The first category includes food scraps, cardboard, paper, cellophane (but not polyethylene), and wood. Hazardous waste is all kinds of thermometers, batteries, batteries, car tires, plastic bags, paint products. Such waste releases toxins, poison the soil and water within a radius of several tens of kilometers.
Take care of ecology can be by using LED lights, economical consumers of electricity – order them for the office. Their energy consumption is eight times less than conventional. Among other advantages are long life, almost no heating, stable brightness during power surges. Such lamps are durable and economical.
All managers should think about giving their employees the opportunity to work from home. The remote form of work is becoming more and more popular, and for good reason. It is another way to protect the environment and reduce the consumption of natural resources. Environmentalists believe that working remotely reduces carbon dioxide emissions into the environment. Some even claim that it helps fight climate change. Whether or not this is true isn’t entirely clear, but it’s worth a try. Giving employees some freedom will definitely improve their mental attitude. One of the benefits of this option for the environment is that workers will use transport less often.
Saving the environment will help the use of plants in the office. They perfectly purify the air, saturating it with oxygen. In a room with many plants, it is easier to breathe. Flowers in pots not only decorate the room, but also help maintain health. These can be mini-palms, flowering plants. Put them on window sills and cabinets. Live plants will enliven the office interior and at the same time make it cleaner.
Big business people should think about using eco-friendly ways to produce electricity. Clean technology is conquering the world, we are talking about wind and solar energy, ocean energy, geothermal energy.
Wind is becoming a fast-growing source of electricity. It is produced by wind turbines installed at high altitudes. They use the wind to synthesize electricity, a solution that is environmentally friendly.
Many companies are already using solar panels that can power all production equipment. This is an excellent solution for complex power supply. Ecological energy sources have a great future.
The businessmen’s concern for the environment is not just a marketing ploy, but a desire to save the planet from destruction. By joining forces, it is possible to improve the situation, and all it takes is following some simple rules.
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]]>The post How do I check the air quality in my home? appeared first on Openair project.
]]>Contaminated air has a negative effect on health. It should be checked periodically for symptoms of mold. It can be seen or felt. The presence of mold is indicated by a musty smell that cannot be leveled out with cleaning. It shows up in damp spots and damp places in the house.
Answering how to check air quality, it is recommended to use carbon monoxide detectors for this purpose. In the devices need to change the batteries every six months, in which case they will function without failure, ensuring a safe stay in the home.
Regularly breathing in dirty air can cause a lot of health problems. It is most harmful to the respiratory organs, causes pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Some scientists even believe that polluted air can cause cancer.
Its excessive dryness causes discomfort, drying the mucous membrane of the eyes. This is one of the causes of chronic lung and bronchial diseases.
Nausea, dizziness, increased fatigue, sneezing is often caused by poor air quality in the home.
Air quality in the home depends on several factors, these include:
-Contamination of the ventilation system;
-The presence of houseplants;
-level of humidity.
The air in the rooms during the cold season often becomes dry because of heating radiators.
Its quality is reduced by paints containing lead, tobacco smoke, household cleaners.
It is important to constantly make sure that the air in living rooms remains clean. This can be achieved by using houseplants, aquariums, frequent wet cleaning. The use of special devices designed to humidify the air is also recommended.
Rooms should be aired at least three times a day to remove harmful substances. To do this, it is sufficient to open windows for 2-3 minutes and leave them in airing mode for several hours.
It is important to regularly clean air conditioners, supply and exhaust ventilation. Constantly monitor the level of humidity, in winter the optimum value is considered to be 40-60%.
Damp cleaning should be performed at least twice a week, because dust provokes allergic diseases. Regularly cleaning the room, you can not only get rid of dirt, but also additionally humidify the air.
Special bactericidal emitters are used to kill bacteria. They disinfect the air through ultraviolet radiation, destroying fungal and mold spores.
Increasingly popular are air purifiers, but they need to change the filters every three months – this can be done even more often if you have pets living in the house. If you have allergies, they should be changed every 3-5 weeks.
The first thing to do is to make sure that there are no unpleasant odors. After that, the level of humidity and carbon dioxide is checked. The degree of contamination can be assessed with special air quality indicators, devices that trace the concentration of dust. They are all easy to use.
Check the air quality in the apartment should necessarily be performed, if the mucous membranes began to dry, cracked lips, throat popping. Because of its pollution can be nasal congestion, a slight cough can be observed. Skin on the hands and face in such cases becomes dry and begins to peel. In rooms with dry air, a strong electrification of hair and clothing made of artificial fabrics can be observed. Indoor flowers begin to have dry foliage at their tips.
Such a problem is solved by evaporating a certain amount of moisture in the room, saturating the air with vapor. Special devices can reliably determine its quality, to identify tiny dust particles, other allergens, which we have to breathe. They can easily detect volatile organic compounds, chemical pollutants.
Clean air is the key to good health, excellent physical well-being, longevity.
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]]>The post How To Become An Ecologist: Advice And Tips appeared first on Openair project.
]]>An “ecologist” can describe a broad range of subjects. Ecologists can work in many different areas and study various topics. Anything that is connected to ecology falls under their purview. This career could lead to a job in a laboratory, field research, or working with engineers.
Ecologists are concerned with the fundamentals of nature, wildlife, and flora and their interactions with one another in the environment. Their passion is to protect the environment and preserve it. Most ecologists work in laboratories or other areas behind the scenes. They conduct extensive research, collect data, analyze, and create environmental impact studies. In addition, they work closely with companies to develop green technology and processes.
Others study the impact of introducing other animal or plant species on an area. Others work in advisory roles for the government. To be an ecologist, you’ll need a well-written resume. If you need some help writing it, contacte resume editing services, who will do the job for you in no time.
The duties of an ecologist vary greatly depending on the job they are assigned. In addition, ecologists work in many places, so one ecologist’s responsibilities may not apply to another. Nevertheless, these are the most common tasks that an ecologist might be required to perform:
There are many duties that ecologists can perform, so there is no one work environment. For example, many ecologists work outside collecting data, tracking animals, and taking samples. In addition, some may work outdoors while analyzing an area for an environmental impact study or while trying to restore an area.
Many ecologists work indoors. This includes those who perform data analysis and research for scientific journals or reports to different organizations. While some may be at work all day, others might meet with the community, state, or national leaders to discuss the ecology and answer questions about nature conservation.
Ecologists might have to deal with unexpected storms when working outdoors. Most ecologists don’t work outside if there is a chance of severe weather, unlike game wardens or law enforcement officers. Depending on the area they are working in, some may need to work in very cold temperatures, while others might have to work in extremely hot temperatures.
Ecologists might also need to get up close and personal with animals. These animals might be calmed, but some could bite or scratch ecologists. Even ecologists who only study the environment might be surprised to find themselves in an unexpected attack by an animal.
Many ecologists work indoors and may be found on the computer all day. Other people may be involved in meetings. For ecologists who lobby, it is possible for them to have to travel from one office to another while meeting high-profile people.
Most ecologists work a 40-hour week. Many ecologists do not work overtime, on weekends or evenings. Some jobs do include travel.
A bachelor’s degree in ecology is required to become an ecologist. Biology, botany, environmental science, and wildlife conservation are all good options for a foundation in ecology. An ecologist may also need to study statistics, math, computer programming, and chemistry. It all depends on which area of ecology you are interested in.
A master’s degree is required for some ecologists, particularly those who conduct in-depth research and serve as consultants. A doctoral degree is required to teach at universities.
It is unnecessary to have any previous experience to be an ecologist. However, it is beneficial to volunteer at wildlife conservations or similar organizations.
People interested in becoming ecologists have a passion for animals and nature. They might enjoy the outdoors or solving puzzles through trial and error.
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]]>The post Households and agriculture appeared first on Openair project.
]]>Of the world’s 193 countries, 97 have more than 85 percent of households with access to cleaner burning fuels. Yet 3 billion people still use solid fuels and open fires for cooking, heating and lighting. Introducing cleaner, modern stoves and fuels can reduce illness and save lives.
There are two main sources of air pollution in agriculture: livestock, which emit methane and ammonia, and agricultural waste incineration. Methane emissions contribute to ground-level ozone, which causes asthma and other respiratory diseases. Methane is also a greater contributor to global warming than carbon dioxide, with 34 times the impact on climate change over a century of records. Worldwide, agriculture, forestry and other land uses are responsible for about 24 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions.
There are many ways to reduce air pollution caused by agricultural activities. Many people can switch to plant-based diets and/or reduce the amount of food waste produced, and farmers can reduce the amount of methane emitted by livestock by optimizing feed digestibility and improving grazing and grassland practices.
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]]>The post Industry that pollutes the air appeared first on Openair project.
]]>Thermal power plants pollute the atmospheric air with hydrocarbon oxides, nitrogen, sulfur. Chemical industry enterprises producing medicines, household chemicals, fertilizers and many other products used almost in all cases of life emit up to 80 thousand different chemicals into the air. During the production of construction materials, especially such as cement, glass, asphalt concrete, the air is polluted with dust, lead compounds, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen fluoride and others.
In many countries around the world, electricity production is one of the main sources of air pollution. Coal-fired power plants make a significant contribution to air pollution. The use of diesel generators in areas not connected to the general power grid is a growing concern. Industrial manufacturing processes and the use of solvents in the chemical and mining industries also pollute the air.
Policies and programs aimed at improving energy efficiency and expanding renewable electricity generation have a direct impact on air quality in various countries. To date, 82 of 193 countries around the world have implemented incentive measures that promote greater investment in renewable energy and cleaner production processes, as well as energy efficiency and/or pollution control.
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]]>The post The role of transportation in air pollution appeared first on Openair project.
]]>So, if in the early 70’s hygienists determined the share of pollution brought into the atmosphere by automobile transport to be 13% on average, at present it has already reached 50% and continues to grow. And for cities and industrial centers, the share of motor transport in total pollution is much higher and reaches 70% and more, which creates a serious environmental problem accompanying urbanization.
There are several sources of toxic substances in cars, the main three of which are:
The largest share of chemical pollution of the environment by automobile transport comes from the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines.
Theoretically, it is assumed that the complete combustion of fuel produces carbon dioxide and water vapor as a result of the interaction of carbon and hydrogen (included in the fuel) with air oxygen.
Reducing transportation emissions is an important step to improve air quality, especially in cities. Policies and standards requiring clean fuels and stricter standards for vehicle emissions can reduce transportation emissions by 90 percent or more.
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