Eco-Applications Archives - Openair project Let's do everything to keep our air clean Mon, 20 May 2024 23:21:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Eco-Applications Archives - Openair project 32 32 Succеssful Projеcts Making a Diffеrеncе in Air Quality Improvеmеnt Mon, 20 May 2024 23:21:55 +0000 Air pollution is a global challеngе with far-rеaching implications for public hеalth, thе еnvironmеnt, and socioеconomic dеvеlopmеnt. As citiеs grapplе with incrеasingly poor air quality, innovativе projеcts arе еmеrging to addrеss this prеssing issuе. In this articlе, wе highlight succеssful initiativеs around thе world that arе making a tangiblе diffеrеncе in improving air quality and […]

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Air pollution is a global challеngе with far-rеaching implications for public hеalth, thе еnvironmеnt, and socioеconomic dеvеlopmеnt. As citiеs grapplе with incrеasingly poor air quality, innovativе projеcts arе еmеrging to addrеss this prеssing issuе. In this articlе, wе highlight succеssful initiativеs around thе world that arе making a tangiblе diffеrеncе in improving air quality and promoting sustainablе dеvеlopmеnt.

1. Copеnhagеn’s Bicyclе Infrastructurе: Copеnhagеn, Dеnmark, is rеnownеd for its еxtеnsivе bicyclе infrastructurе, which has significantly contributеd to rеducing air pollution and promoting sustainablе urban mobility. With dеdicatеd bikе lanеs, traffic signals, and bikе-sharing programs, thе city has incеntivizеd cycling as a viablе altеrnativе to driving. As a rеsult, Copеnhagеn has sееn a substantial dеcrеasе in vеhicular еmissions, lеading to clеanеr air and a hеalthiеr urban еnvironmеnt.

2. London’s Ultra-Low Еmission Zonе (ULЕZ): In an еffort to combat air pollution, London implеmеntеd thе Ultra-Low Еmission Zonе (ULЕZ) in cеntral London in 2019. Thе ULЕZ imposеs chargеs on vеhiclеs that do not mееt stringеnt еmission standards, thеrеby еncouraging thе usе of clеanеr vеhiclеs and rеducing harmful еmissions. Sincе its introduction, thе ULЕZ has lеd to a significant improvеmеnt in air quality, with rеductions in nitrogеn dioxidе (NO2) and particulatе mattеr (PM2.5) lеvеls, bеnеfitting thе hеalth of Londonеrs and visitors alikе.

3. Barcеlona’s Supеrblocks: Barcеlona’s innovativе Supеrblocks initiativе aims to rеclaim strееts from cars and prioritizе pеdеstrian-friеndly spacеs. By rеdеsigning city blocks to limit vеhicular traffic and crеatе grееn public spacеs, Barcеlona is not only improving air quality but also fostеring community еngagеmеnt and social cohеsion. Thе Supеrblocks projеct dеmonstratеs thе transformativе potеntial of urban planning in crеating hеalthiеr and morе livablе citiеs.

4. Bеijing’s Clеan Air Action Plan: Bеijing, China, oncе notorious for its sеvеrе air pollution, has madе significant stridеs in improving air quality through its Clеan Air Action Plan. Thе city has implеmеntеd mеasurеs such as strict еmission standards for vеhiclеs and industrial facilitiеs, thе promotion of clеan еnеrgy sourcеs, and thе еstablishmеnt of grееn zonеs and parks. Thеsе еfforts havе rеsultеd in notablе rеductions in air pollution lеvеls, marking a positivе shift towards clеanеr air and a hеalthiеr еnvironmеnt for rеsidеnts.

5. Los Angеlеs’ Zеro-Еmission Public Transportation: Los Angеlеs, California, is pionееring thе transition to zеro-еmission public transportation with its flееt of еlеctric busеs and light rail systеms. By еlеctrifying its public transit nеtwork, Los Angеlеs is not only rеducing еmissions but also dеmonstrating thе fеasibility of sustainablе transportation solutions in a sprawling urban еnvironmеnt. Thе city’s commitmеnt to clеan mobility is sеtting an еxamplе for othеr mеtropolisеs sееking to improvе air quality and combat climatе changе.

6. Dеlhi’s Odd-Еvеn Traffic Schеmе: To addrеss thе sеvеrе air pollution crisis in Dеlhi, India, thе city govеrnmеnt implеmеntеd thе Odd-Еvеn traffic schеmе, rеstricting thе usе of privatе vеhiclеs basеd on licеnsе platе numbеrs. During dеsignatеd days, only vеhiclеs with odd or еvеn-numbеrеd platеs arе allowеd on thе roads, rеducing traffic congеstion and vеhicular еmissions. Whilе thе schеmе has facеd challеngеs and criticism, it has nonеthеlеss contributеd to tеmporary improvеmеnts in air quality and raisеd awarеnеss about thе nееd for sustainablе transportation solutions.

7. Oslo’s Car-Frее City Cеntеr: Oslo, Norway, is lеading thе way in promoting car-frее urban spacеs with its ambitious plans to pеdеstrianizе thе city cеntеr. By prioritizing walking, cycling, and public transportation, Oslo aims to rеducе traffic congеstion, noisе pollution, and еmissions, whilе crеating safеr and morе vibrant strееts for rеsidеnts and visitors. Thе city’s vision for a car-frее futurе rеflеcts a growing global movеmеnt towards sustainablе urban dеvеlopmеnt and clеanеr air.

8. Sao Paulo’s Clеan Bus Flееt Program: Sao Paulo, Brazil, has launchеd thе Clеan Bus Flееt Program to improvе air quality and rеducе еmissions from public transportation. Thе program incеntivizеs thе adoption of low-еmission and еlеctric busеs, as wеll as thе implеmеntation of clеanеr fuеl tеchnologiеs. By modеrnizing its bus flееt and invеsting in sustainablе transportation solutions, Sao Paulo is addrеssing thе dual challеngеs of air pollution and climatе changе, paving thе way for a clеanеr and hеalthiеr urban еnvironmеnt.


Thеsе succеssful projеcts еxеmplify thе transformativе powеr of innovativе initiativеs in addrеssing air pollution and promoting sustainablе dеvеlopmеnt. From cycling infrastructurе and еmission rеduction policiеs to pеdеstrian-friеndly urban dеsign and clеan transportation solutions, citiеs around thе world arе taking proactivе stеps to improvе air quality and crеatе hеalthiеr еnvironmеnts for thеir rеsidеnts. By lеarning from thеsе succеss storiеs and scaling up еffеctivе intеrvеntions, wе can continuе to makе mеaningful progrеss towards clеanеr air and a sustainablе futurе for all.

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Writing a Resume for Environmental Health Jobs: Key Skills and Strategies Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:22:12 +0000 Environmental health professionals play a critical role in protecting public health and safety by identifying and mitigating environmental hazards. If you’re interested in a career in environmental health, one of the first steps is crafting a resume that showcases your skills, experience, and qualifications. In this article, we’ll explore key skills for environmental health jobs […]

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Environmental health professionals play a critical role in protecting public health and safety by identifying and mitigating environmental hazards. If you’re interested in a career in environmental health, one of the first steps is crafting a resume that showcases your skills, experience, and qualifications. In this article, we’ll explore key skills for environmental health jobs and strategies for writing a successful resume that highlights your strengths in this field.

Key Skills for Environmental Health Jobs

Environmental health is a multidisciplinary field that requires a broad range of technical, soft, and industry-specific skills. Here are some key skills to consider when crafting your resume:

  1. Technical Skills: Environmental health professionals must have a strong understanding of environmental laws and regulations, as well as knowledge of data analysis and risk assessment. Other technical skills that may be relevant include familiarity with sampling and monitoring techniques, expertise in environmental management systems, and knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS).
  2. Soft Skills: Communication, collaboration, and problem-solving are essential soft skills for environmental health professionals. These skills are particularly important in a field that requires frequent interactions with stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Other important soft skills may include attention to detail, critical thinking, and adaptability.
  3. Industry-Specific Skills: Depending on the specific environmental health job you’re interested in, there may be industry-specific skills that are particularly relevant. For example, if you’re interested in a job that involves addressing lead exposure, you may need specific knowledge of lead-safe work practices and testing methods. If you’re interested in a job that involves assessing air quality, you may need expertise in air sampling and analysis.

Strategies for Writing a Successful Resume

Once you’ve identified your key skills, it’s time to figure out how to incorporate them into your resume in a way that highlights your strengths as an environmental health professional. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Tailor your resume to the specific job or industry you’re applying to. Before crafting your resume, review the job posting or industry-specific requirements to identify the key skills and qualifications that employers are looking for. Tailor your resume to highlight these specific skills and experiences.
  2. Highlight relevant education, certifications, and work experience. Education and certifications are particularly important in environmental health jobs, as they demonstrate your expertise in the field. Make sure to highlight any relevant degrees, certifications, or training programs you’ve completed. Work experience is also important – make sure to highlight any relevant job duties or accomplishments in previous environmental health positions.
  3. Incorporate measurable achievements and outcomes in your job descriptions. Employers are often interested in quantifiable results that demonstrate your impact on a project or organization. Use numbers, percentages, or other metrics to showcase your achievements in previous environmental health roles.
  4. Showcase your ability to work on a team and communicate effectively with stakeholders. Environmental health professionals frequently work in teams and interact with stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds. Make sure to highlight any experience working on a team or collaborating with others, as well as any experience communicating with stakeholders.
  5. Use keywords and phrases that employers are looking for. Many employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes for specific keywords or phrases. Make sure to incorporate relevant keywords and phrases from the job posting into your resume.

Environmental Health Resume Samples

Looking for inspiration for your own environmental health resume? Here are some example resumes for different types of environmental health jobs, along with analysis of key skills and strategies used in each resume sample:

  1. Environmental Health Specialist Resume: This resume showcases technical skills such as knowledge of environmental regulations, as well as soft skills such as communication and collaboration.
  2. Public Health Analyst Resume: This resume highlights industry-specific skills such as knowledge of epidemiology and health data analysis, as well as soft skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving.
  3. Environmental Scientist Resume: This resume emphasizes technical skills such as knowledge of environmental sampling and analysis, as well as industry-specific skills such as expertise in GIS and data visualization.

Tips for Adapting Each Resume Sample to Your Own Skills and Experiences

When adapting these resume samples to your own skills and experiences, consider the following tips:

  1. Use the job posting or industry-specific requirements as a guide for which skills to highlight.
  2. Incorporate relevant education, certifications, and work experience into your resume.
  3. Use metrics and measurable achievements to showcase your impact in previous environmental health roles.
  4. Highlight your ability to work on a team and communicate effectively with stakeholders.
  5. Use keywords and phrases from the job posting or industry-specific requirements to optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems.

Resume Writing Services

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the process of crafting a resume for an environmental health job, consider working with a professional resume writing service to pay for resume. A professional resume writer can help you identify the most relevant skills and experiences to highlight, and can help you craft a compelling narrative that showcases your strengths and accomplishments.

When choosing a resume writing service, look for one that has experience working with clients in the environmental health field. Make sure to read reviews and testimonials from past clients, and ask for samples of their work before committing to a service. Finally, be prepared to invest time and money into the process – a well-crafted resume can be the key to landing your dream job in environmental health.


Crafting a successful resume for an environmental health job requires a combination of technical, soft, and industry-specific skills. By tailoring your resume to the specific job or industry you’re applying to, highlighting relevant education and work experience, and showcasing measurable achievements and outcomes, you can create a resume that stands out from the competition. And if you need help crafting that perfect resume, consider working with a professional resume writing service. With the right strategy and the right support, you can showcase your unique skills and experiences, and land your dream job in environmental health.

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Rocket Casino joins forces with Australian players to promote awareness about air pollution worldwide Wed, 08 Feb 2023 12:52:15 +0000 The spread of the environmental education system is currently one of the most urgent tasks for all civilized states. After all, its solution is the most important condition in eliminating the problems of instability of the natural environment. In addition, environmental education, education, and enlightenment of the population can ensure the sustainable development of society. […]

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The spread of the environmental education system is currently one of the most urgent tasks for all civilized states. After all, its solution is the most important condition in eliminating the problems of instability of the natural environment. In addition, environmental education, education, and enlightenment of the population can ensure the sustainable development of society. That is why Casino Rocket from Australia joins forces with other players in the industry to promote awareness about air pollution worldwide.

Urgent solution

At present, there is a need for an urgent solution to the environmental issue all over the world. Many researchers working in various fields of science are literally ringing the bells to convey the relevance of the problem to those who have the right to make decisions at the state level. But, unfortunately, only a small part of officials realizes how dangerous delay in this area is.

But any wrong decision taken by a statesman can lead to irreversible consequences, the result of which will be a natural collapse. The level of environmental education. What do we have now? Many scientists recognize the fact that environmental education, whether it is considered at the level of a politician or an ordinary citizen, is still quite low. At the same time, humanity is not yet aware of the whole tragedy, which finds its expression in the rapid destruction of natural resources.

Impending crisis

Only those researchers who are directly involved in this problem fully understand the full scale of the impending crisis, as well as its possible consequences. That is why environmental education is so relevant at all levels of social strata of society. A bit of history People have been interested in ecology since ancient times. However, only in the 20th century. promotion of environmental protection measures has acquired its practical significance. Environmental education has historically gone through several stages. The first of them originated at the end of the Second World War. It was then, in 1948, that a new organization arose – the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. One of its main tasks was the dissemination of knowledge about nature, the restoration and preservation of its wealth, that is, the environmental education of the population. The charter of this organization on this issue states that the Union encourages and recommends any international and national activities that contribute to the conservation of nature in all parts of the world and in all environments (in water, soil and forests). At the same time, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources aims to disseminate the latest technical and scientific achievements in the field of environmental protection, as well as to use and widely disseminate extensive public awareness and environmental education programs so that public opinion is deeply aware of the need to protect nature. Already by the 1970s, such activities began to cover not only developed countries, but also other countries.

Ecological culture and education

The second stage in environmental education and enlightenment of the population began after organizations such as UNEP and UNESCO approved an international program that provides for the development of a system for obtaining knowledge in the field of the environment. It happened in the mid-1970s. The third stage of introducing ecological culture and education to the masses dates back to the 1980s. At this time, the idea of ​​continuous universal environmental education began to penetrate more and more actively into the consciousness of various segments of the population. At the same time, it began to spread in developing countries, where until quite recently education in this area was rather skeptical, believing that environmental problems exist only in countries with a high level of economy.

Environmental education and enlightenment should be carried out throughout human life. At the same time, today they are an integral part of the general education program.

The main tasks of environmental education are to focus the population on practical problems. In addition, they are designed to help realize the value of the environment, to promote collective well-being, focusing on the problem of human survival. Education in this area should not be formal. At the same time, it should be integrated with other educational programs.

In the 1970s-80s there was a formation of the structure of environmental education. This is how formal environmental education appeared, which was limited to the programs of educational institutions, and informal, covering the whole society.

The second of these two systems provides for the dissemination of knowledge on the protection of the natural environment of the planet, their promotion and dissemination outside schools and universities. The main goal of non-formal education in the environmental sphere is to cover all sectors of society to change the attitude of the population towards the environment. This will increase the responsibility of people in their interaction with nature and will also give everyone the knowledge that will minimize the damage caused by humanity to the planet. Non-formal education in the field of people’s attitude to the environment is delimited by certain stages. These are the levels of non-formal education, which are closely interconnected. Thus, the dissemination of knowledge in the environmental field for children of different ages and the education in them of a reverent attitude towards animals and plants is combined with the opening of appropriate educational centers, with the publication of literature on environmental topics, etc. There are 4 levels in formal education. At the first of them, the propaganda of knowledge is carried out, the theme of which is the relationship that arises between people and nature. All this happens within the boundaries of preschool education. During this period, children receive the necessary knowledge in the form of a game, while acquiring the necessary skills of caring for the living.

The second level of environmental education is designed for schoolchildren. Students receive knowledge about nature in special lessons, as well as in programs of related disciplines. During this period, attention is focused on practical research that reinforces the material studied. Environmental education within the third level is implemented in secondary and higher educational institutions. In them: – students attend special courses; – specialized faculties are created; – the environmental themes of traditional courses are being strengthened; – there is a specialization in the field of studying various aspects of the problem relating to the relationship of man with his natural habitat (scientific and technical, political, socio-economic, etc.). At the third level, students begin to realize the need to eliminate the environmental illiteracy of those people who make political decisions.

The fourth level of formal education is passed by all persons who improve their qualifications in the relevant courses of special faculties. The main tasks Environmental education in general, regardless of its variety, is designed to: – educate members of society who understand the relationship between nature and man well, and are also aware of the need to maintain ecological balance both at the regional and global levels, and constantly contribute to this ; – ensure the receipt of accurate data on the state of the natural environment, which will allow society to make the most optimal decisions on its use; – promote the dissemination of skills, abilities and knowledge that a person needs to eliminate existing environmental problems, as well as to prevent them in the future; – orient people to the fact that when making any decision in the field of the environment, it is especially important not to forget about the need for a balance between meeting the needs of society today and the possible consequences of such actions in the future; – to give each member of society awareness of his involvement in the conservation of nature.


Air pollution is a serious global problem. Air pollution can cause lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. It is also linked to heart disease, stroke, and asthma.

This week, Rocket Casino Australia joined forces with other players in the industry to promote awareness about air pollution worldwide by launching the “Clean Air for All” campaign. The goal of this campaign is to encourage people living in polluted cities to act and do their part in fighting for cleaner air for everyone.

Summarizing all the above, we emphasize that Rocketcasino is currently making every effort for environmental education. 

Casino Rocket has planned several events to join forces with other Australian players in the industry to promote awareness about air pollution worldwide.

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Air pollution detector based on a cell phone: development from Germany Sat, 22 May 2021 16:44:45 +0000 In any more or less large industrial city and its surroundings, the air is polluted with a lot of suspended particles.

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In any more or less large industrial city and its surroundings, the air is polluted with a lot of suspended particles. And it’s mostly third-party substances handled by industry, plus other man-made components, decay products from combustion, and all the rest.

In general, all this – very bad for health, and in some cities, people even have to wear masks, in the case of a particularly active phase of production and a particular configuration of the wind rose.

Assessment of air quality in such places is of course carried out, but not in all regions and not as often as we would like. The reason for this is the high cost of analysis and the need to use in-house and mobile laboratories. German scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology offered their solution.

This solution is a small module for a cell phone, which evaluates the air quality by using the camera and flash of the device. Of course, it is not possible to use the module on a phone without a camera and without a flash.

The module itself is attached to the back of the smartphone with a magnet, and the holes in the module should be placed over the flash and the camera of the smartphone.

Everything works quite simply. A person presses the “take a picture” button (setting the flash mode), the flash goes off and the light from it travels to the camera sensor via fiber optics.

The module also has a passive air intake, through which the light from the flash passes before reaching the lens of the camera. The more suspended particles in the sampled air sample – the more light is scattered.

For his module (its body, by the way, printed on a 3D printer), scientists have developed and appropriate application that analyzes the images obtained by the camera, calculating the number of particles in the air by the brightness of pixels in the resulting image. According to the specialists, the brightness of the pixels in the photo allows for a fairly accurate calculation of air pollution, for which a special algorithm has been developed.

After testing their device, the scientists compared their own atmospheric results with those of regular air quality stations. The results came together quite accurately.

Of course, the device has limitations. In particular, it can fix atmospheric pollution when the concentration of suspended particles is up to about 1 milligram per cubic meter. Moreover, particles less than 10 microns (fine dust is the most dangerous, by the way) are not detected by the device yet.

Now scientists are working on improving the characteristics of the device, so that it would be possible to take into account the fine dust fraction.

According to the developers, their device can be useful for all people, users of mobile devices, who are concerned about the quality of the atmosphere of their city. With such a device and its application, it would be possible to quickly map the atmosphere of the city/region, after which the results would be provided to the relevant services.

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AirVisual Thu, 25 Mar 2021 17:07:31 +0000 AirVisual is one of the most comprehensive apps available to keep you informed about your city's air quality.

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AirVisual is one of the most comprehensive apps available to keep you informed about your city’s air quality. In addition to viewing quality levels, AirVisual offers many other features. One is health advice, where the app informs you of steps you can take to avoid getting sick. This includes wearing a mask, closing windows, avoiding biking and more.

AirVisual can send you alerts about AQI fluctuations and link them on your home screen as a widget. You can also see a world overview to see how other cities compare to you. To share on social media, take a photo and use the AirVisual filter on it. This adds details such as AQI and location to the image.

The app shows:

  • Historical, real-time data and air pollution forecasts that matter: detailed data on major pollutants for more than 10,000+ cities in 80+ countries.
  • 7-day air pollution and weather forecasts: information to help you plan outdoor activities.
  • Health tips: tips to reduce health risks and achieve minimal exposure to pollutants. Up-to-date information for sensitive populations with asthma or other respiratory (lung) conditions.
  • Weather information: your one-stop shop for temperature, humidity, current conditions and weather forecast.
  • Real-time monitoring of 6 major pollutants: track real-time concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
  • Air quality information for “sensitive groups”: up-to-date information and predictions for sensitive groups, including people with respiratory (lung) diseases such as asthma.
  • Historical data graphs: view short-term air pollution trends over the past 24 hours.
  • Reliable air quality stations: access readings from the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in China.

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Plume Air Report Sun, 07 Mar 2021 17:04:15 +0000 Plume is designed for users who want to adjust their outdoor activities based on air quality.

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Plume is designed for users who want to adjust their outdoor activities based on air quality. Thus, the app uses an elegant interface that you can easily manipulate to know exactly when, for example, to walk the dog. There is a timeline at the bottom of the app and a visual display of air quality, temperature, etc. at the top. Д.

Click on the top to reveal additional information such as particle concentrations, best air quality day, and more. You can even choose an activity in advance, and Plume will tell you the best times for it. Like AirVisual, Plume also offers a social image tool, periodic alerts, and a worldview.

Key Features:

  • Detailed Maps: Real-time air quality maps give you detailed information about pollution levels on every street in real time! Find the best route to work, choose the cleanest park to walk, all on a stunning, easy-to-read map.
  • Live, historical and forecast data: Plume gives you real-time data for every city for the most important pollutants – NO2, PM2.5, PM10 and O3. Look into the future with a 72-hour forecast. Analyze the past with 6 months of historical data!
  • Hyperlocal Information: Street-level pollution information at your fingertips – select locations, get forecasts, study maps! Studies have shown that accessing this air pollution information can help you reduce your exposure by 50%.
  • Clean Air Coaching: Plume gives you tips and advice on finding clean air while running, biking, playing in the playground, and eating outdoors. Your Clean Air Coach will keep you informed with the right notifications.

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